Let’s start a new week with a digest of main digital marketing news
The Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival was officially moved to June 2021. Initially, the organizers planned to hold the event in October, but analyzed the situation in the world and decided there would be no Cannes Lions in 2020.
Users are spending more and more time in mobile applications, and this is expected. During the first weeks of quarantine, we transferred online everything that used to happen online: work meetings, shopping, playing sports, studying and hanging out with family and friends. According to App Annie, the first quarter of 2020 has broken a record for in-app spending. Smartphone owners around the world spent more than $23.4 billion on App Stores.
In his Twitter account, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that Apple has manufactured 20 million face masks for medical staff.
Tesla has shown how they will produce lung ventillators to combat Covid-19 from car spare parts.
In a survey for Marketing Week, 86% of UK marketers responded that the brands they work with are delaying or reviewing marketing campaigns. A total of 849 marketers participated in the study. Of these, 14% will continue their advertising campaigns as planned.
Vodafone launched advertising campaign to support British Red Cross #KeepingtheUKConnected.
The Verge explained how to effectively use channels in Slack (and not only for work).
First, nobody believed that ads through influencers worked. Back then they were just bloggers, actually.…
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Page synchronized. Edit page only on site Tilda.cc
The company has announced that it will not block 3rd-party cookies in its Chrome browser…
What happened in the world of technology, marketing and advertising? Read the weekly selection of…