Categories: Analytics

E-commerce, travel, gaming. Released a Guide to Affiliate Marketing Verticals

E-commerce, travel, gaming. released a guide to Affiliate Marketing Verticals
The report covers 11 verticals and offers insights into creating successful advertising campaigns for each of the categories
Ad tracker together with affiliate marketing experts has released the Supreme Guide to Affiliate Marketing verticals. A 89-page paper analyzes 11 affiliate marketing verticals and offers insights into creating successful advertising campaigns from industry experts.

"This guide is a real encyclopedia with practical tips and authoritative opinions. Our Team made it in such a way that both newcomers and experienced marketers will find the content useful. Our goal was not to make another ebook with a ton of self-promo content, but provide a real value to affiliates and help them make the right decision in times of uncertainty." - says Vlad Zhovtenko, CEO.
The verticals the guide covers are:

  • Mobile App
  • E-commerce
  • Finance & Insurance
  • Education
  • Travel
  • Gaming
  • Nutra
  • Dating
  • Gambling
  • Crypto
  • Sweepstake

Each vertical is analyzed by its start budget, average payout, newbie-friendliness, seasonality, the effectiveness of the ad format in the vertical, popular payment models and geo's available. Industry experts offer insights and tips about each vertical.

For example, average start budget in the E-commerce vertical is $300, it received 4 out of 10 stars in newbie friendliness, and $15-$80 payout. The most effective ad formats in the vertical are push, native, and popunder.
The guide offers tips for making e-commerce landing pages more convertible:

  • Headline - create urgency or FOMO(fear of missing out) in the headline

  • Share testimonials or logos of well-known clients or publish reviews.

  • Use bullets to describe benefits

  • Have 1:1 conversion ratio with one conversion goal and one call-to-action for the visitor to click

  • Simple purchase flow: minimum information only the billing data and shipping location

  • Call to action

  • Social proof

  • Discount offers

Relevant stats and insights are offered for each of the verticals.
5 reasons why the ebook can come in handy to marketers:
  1. the holistic overview of the present and the future of 11 affiliate marketing verticals,

  2. prospects and forecasts for the development of the most profitable niches,

  3. secrets and tips from over 30 industry experts and their direct contacts,

  4. case studies of successful affiliate marketing campaigns from top affiliates,

  5. promo codes and special offers from Affiliate Networks and Traffic Sources.
Julia Danylenko

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