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Most Common Search Queries In Times Of Coronavirus: CodeFuel

Video conference tools and streaming services were top search trends

The American company CodeFuel introduced its infographics about the most common search queries in times of the pandemic. This information will help marketers adapt their messaging to the rising interests of the audience, reports Social Media Today.

In spring 2020, the number of searches concerning hobbies, leisure time, and work from home has skyrocketed.

Video conferencing and other online tools were on the top of the list. From January 1st to May 5th, the number of those searches increased by 520%. At the same time, the popularity of antivirus software has also grown by 87%.

When it comes to leisure, people searched for TV and streaming services most often. Since the beginning of the year, queries about those has risen by 86%. During the same period, the number of hobby queries, especially those related to arts and crafts, has increased by 19%.

Apart from hobbies and work from home tools, people were interested in consumer goods. The CodeFuel team saw a 19% rise in queries about supermarkets and food. Searches about travel, including plane cancelations and travel restrictions, on the other hand, have dropped by 45%.

CodeFuel analytics has also noticed a significant increase in news consumption, which took place at the beginning of March. At the time, Americans were reading four times more news, and the Britains and French – three times more.

Since May 15th, CodeFuel has been noticing queries concerning the “Coronavirus exit phase,” for instance, “going back to work,” “face-masks at work,” “academic year COVID-19”, “how long will restaurants be closed after COVID-19” and so on. Since February 1st, the number of such queries has risen by 232%.

Vita Kushmyruk

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