Categories: Interview

Privacy by design. How ID5 came up with a universal ID solution

Privacy by design. How ID5 came up with a universal ID solution
Interview with ID5 Chief Strategy Officer Joanna Burton
On Thursday, May 21, ID5 Chief Strategy Officer Joanna Burton will speak at the Adsider LIVE conference. We asked Joanna about the Universal ID solution, privacy in the new era, and staying sane during the quarantine.

You provide a universal ID for programmatic advertising. Please tell us about its principles. How does your solution work and what makes it different from others?

ID5 was created to provide the programmatic ecosystem with a "unified language" to identify users and has been working towards this goal since its establishment in September 2017.

Last summer we launched our Universal ID solution. The ID5 Universal ID is a consent-based identifier which is stored in a first-party context (cookie, local storage or server-side) by publishers, who can then make it available to their authorised programmatic partners — either via a configuration of their header bidding wrapper or by installing the ID5 API. Since the ID5 ID is stored in a first-party context and linked using deterministic as well as probabilistic methods, it can be made available for 100% of users, whatever browser they use and whether or not they are logged-in on the site

Nowadays, with GDPR, CCPA the issues of privacy and data collection are as hot as ever. What is your position on user privacy and how do you enforce it via your solution?

Respecting user privacy is paramount to ID5. That's why we have built a privacy-by-design user identification platform which leverages the IAB Europe's Transparency and Consent Framework. This allows us to ensure that users' privacy preferences are communicated and even enforced throughout the programmatic value chain.

What are your most ambitious plans for the upcoming year? How are you adapting to the changes and challenges that arose due to pandemic?

We just started the beta roll-out of Universal ID with a handful of premium buyers, so we are very focused on this process! Our goal is to demonstrate the value that we can create for publishers and brands by enabling them to address users in cookie-less environments and in a privacy-compliant manner. The pandemic has impacted priorities and roadmaps for our partners, but there is still a very strong interest for solutions that allow publishers to monetise better their traffic (which has increased a lot lately), and for brands to engage with their audiences. We have never been as busy as we are now!
Respecting user privacy is paramount to ID5. That's why we have built a privacy-by-design user identification platform
You have an amazing resume and were named the Ad Tech Personality of the Year by ExchangeWire. What are your key principles of success?

I think it's just down to hard work and making the most of every opportunity. I have also been extremely fortunate to work with some inspirational leaders at some amazing companies along the way such as Jay Stevens and the team at Rubicon Project, Kate Burns at Dailymotion, Nancy Cruickshank and Jim Cruickshank at asserta home (owned by Aviva then and now Zoopla) and Microsoft, Mike Shehan and the team at SpotX, and Mathieu Roche, first at Weborama and now ID5.

Give us a little sneak peak into your speech at the conference.

The presentation will provide an overview of what identity is and how the identification process works today. I will also explain how the deprecation of 3rd party cookies will impact the industry and why Universal IDs are an effective and privacy compliant solution for the upcoming cookie-less future.

Please name three things that help you stay sane and motivated during the quarantine.

Keeping in regular contact with clients and partners around the world. It's actually easier to catch-up with people in Asia and Latin America from the home office!

Watching webinars — there is so much great content available at the moment so I can continue to learn about the industry and hear different perspectives.

Fitness — I can fit yoga and running into my day.
Julia Danylenko

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