Categories: Interview

Smarter, more efficiently, and easily. Beeswax on merger and data science

Smarter, more efficiently, and easily. Beeswax on merger and data science
An Interview with Cadi Jones
Cadi Jones is an expert, and Commercial Director EMEA at Beeswax. Beeswax is the fastest-growing ad tech platform in the world, which enables buyers to maximize the commercial upside gained from a programmatic buying platform designed for their business needs. On May 21, Cadi will attend the Adsider LIVE Conference. We spoke to her about Beeswax's technologies and the expansion of the company.
Please tell us about your programmatic buying platform. What makes it stand out?

Beeswax was founded by industry veterans who recognized that traditional, one-size-fits-all DSPs, originally designed for an agency model, are under-serving today's sophisticated media buyers.

Beeswax's Bidder-as-a-Service allows next-generation marketers to access a highly customizable RTB (real-time bidding) without the overhead and complexity that deploying a custom bidder usually entails. Beeswax customers receive access to all the elements they need to successfully bid on programmatic RTB advertising: access to supply, bidding algorithms, a clean user-interface, APIs, and reporting and analytics.

Because our technology is architected differently on all other DSPs, we have a unique inventory filtering system that enables us to ensure you receive only the bid requests that you want. Thanks to this filtering system, we can charge a different model, SaaS, with fixed costs based on your usage of the technology, and not a % of media.
'Beeswax was founded by industry veterans'
You partnered with Operative to combine digital and traditional advertising. How did you achieve that?

Audiences are fragmenting and many companies find themselves limited by the silos between their traditional and digital execution systems. It takes time and effort to create a unified audience for advertisers to buy. However, Operative's highly configurable architecture coupled with the flexibility of the Beeswax Bidder-as-a-Service(™) platform allowed Beeswax to create a cohesive and automated workflow solution with some portions of the buy flowing to a traditional ad server, while other portions executed in a real-time bidding platform.

This has empowered sales teams to automate the booking of media buys and execution of orders across all digital channels, saving significant time and money for media companies while increasing the efficiency of their ad operations by a factor of up to 13X and also benefiting from a +50% reduction in trafficking errors.

You acquired MediaGamma in April, what was the intent of purchase? How will it strengthen your brand and benefit your customers?

MediaGamma is a machine learning consultancy that focuses on adtech. It is rare to find the level of data science talent which was available within the MediaGamma team, especially ones who have deep expertise in adtech. These data experts will now focus on helping Beeswax customers and building the Beeswax roadmap. Beeswax has also been looking at secondary locations for building engineering talent, and given our existing investment in London, this deal made a lot of sense.
'The efficiency of ad operations by a factor of up to 13 times'
You partnered with Keymantics to drive a performance lift of 600% compared to traditional DSPs. How did you achieve that?

Beeswax stood out to Keymantics as the ideal partner because of these key features: our flexibility, open API, access to log-level data, ability to bring a custom algorithm, and finally, the data augmentation feature.

Combined, this product set meant that Keymantics could develop their own hyper granular targeting algorithm to better serve their customers. Access to their own log-level data enables them to power their AI to drive results, as well as allowing them to provide granular post-campaign analysis. The data augmentation functionality means that they can optimize their campaigns in real-time, injecting their unique keyword data into the bid request through key-value pairs for real-time targeting and optimization.

"Due to the nature of the Beeswax platform, we didn't have to worry about the tech behind the DSP. Rather, Beeswax gave us the flexibility to focus our efforts where we know we bring value to the online advertising ecosystem: data processing and bidding intelligence."

Arthur Querou — CEO, Keymantics
'Everything that we are releasing this year has one core mission: enabling our customers to do smarter things more efficiently and easily'
What are your most ambitious plans for the next two years?

Everything that we are releasing this year has one core mission: enabling our customers to do smarter things more efficiently and easily!

Give us a sneak peek into your speech at the conference.

Our industry is going through some huge changes: we built programmatic on the assumption that digital advertising would fulfill the promise of direct response 1:1 marketing at broadcast scale. However, that concept is predicated on being able to identify the audiences that you reach.

As browser anonymity and privacy regulations make this harder — if not impossible, my speech will discuss what the future of digital marketing will entail. We'll dive deeply into three key areas: rust, transparency and targeting.
Olena Pavlidi

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