Categories: Новини

Google will abolish third-party cookies in 2022

Google Chrome accounts for 63.2% of the global browser market today.

The world’s most popular Internet browser, Google Chrome, will stop collecting third-party cookies in 2022. This was announced by the head of Chrome Engineering Justin Schuh.

“Users demand more privacy and transparency. They want to have a choice and want to control the use of their data. The web community must meet these requirements,”  Schuh said.

Google plans to develop a set of new tools that will perform the same tasks as cookies, but less “aggressively” and “annoying.” At the same time, the key bet is on the Privacy Sandbox privacy tool introduced this summer. Advertisers will be able to continue to target their ads, but targeted tracking of users will be a thing of the past.

As of December 2019, the share of Google Chrome in the global market for Internet browsers, according to Statcounter, amounted to 63.2%. Its closest competitor Safari has only 17.68%, Firefox – 4.39%.

Safari and Firefox have already begun blocking cross-site tracking. Google Chrome, meanwhile, is trying to limit tracking, but not to deprive advertisers of all their tools. The former believes that the privacy situation has already reached a critical point; the latter wants to wait a bit, according to the Verge. It’s hard to figure out who is in the wrong here. Apple can be blamed for wanting to create a closed App Store-based ecosystem, and Google – for its desire to keep advertising tracking.

Julia Danylenko

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