Народження єдинорога: AppsFlyer отримав $210 мільйонів фінансування

A unicorn is born: AppsFlyer aces its Series D Funding with $210M
Successful funding round brings the company to $1.6B valuation
Company valuation: $1.6B

Founded: 2011

Headquarters: San Francisco, California

Founded by: Oren Kaniel, Reshef Mann

Shares/stock: n/a

Industry: Mobile attribution and analytics

SaaS mobile marketing analytics and attribution platform AppsFlyer acquired $210 million in its Series D Funding on 21st of January 2020. The co-founder and CEO of AppsFlyer Oren Kaniel has announced that «at a $1.6B valuation, AppsFlyer has become the first and only unicorn in the attribution category».
What's this all about
AppsFlyer was founded in 2011 by Oren Kaniel and Reshef Mann, two high school friends. Together, they developed their Software Development Kit. It provides advertisers with conversion data for their campaigns, allowing to determine successful ones and optimize advertising budgets accordingly. AppsFlyer's goal, as stated on its website, is attributing marketing activity to business growth and success.

It also helps advertisers battle fraud. "Our SDK is integrated, through one app or another, on 98 percent of the world's mobile devices," explained Jasper Radeke, AppsFlyer's director of marketing for North America. "We use this information to identify potential fraudulent devices and really help publishers stop that traffic before it even occurs."
Making money
AppsFlyer became really successful, really fast: it received seed funding in 2012 and raised $7 million in Series A funding in 2014. Three more rounds followed in 2015, 2017 and now, in 2020.
Partnerships were going great as well — AppsFlyer became Facebook Marketing partner in 2012. Two years later, it gained the status of Twitter Official Partner.
Growth curve
Since 2014, AppsFlyer held two more successful funding rounds, and expanded its reach and resources significantly: currently it has 850 employees at 18 global offices (including in Bangalore, Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin, Buenos Aires, London, Kyiv, New York, San Francisco, Seoul, and Tokyo).
Among 12,000 AppsFlyer customers are Adobe, Apple Search Ads, Walmart, Nike, HBO, Tencent, NBC Universal, and counts Facebook, Google, Salesforce. Its ecosystem includes over 5,000 technology partners.

«Last year alone, our customers made $28B worth of decisions using AppsFlyer's attribution platform», Kaniel mentions.

$210 million of funding and the first acquisition unicorn status are great news for the company, but its ambitions are much higher. "Our long-term unbiased and independent positioning combined with our customer-obsessed mindset have allowed us to build something far beyond our wildest dreams. And we are just 1% done", Kaniel promises.

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