U.S. Publisher Revenue Shows Growth For The First Time Since Before The Pandemic — Digiday

31 July 2020

But this trend will not last long, say publishers

The first summer months were one of the most successful for the whole year for publishers of advertising programs, writes Digiday. Demand for it jumped in early summer due to a redistribution of costs for advertisers, who had to stop other marketing activities in the second quarter.

In March, American publishers received the biggest blow: traffic increased by 30%, while CPM decreased by 20%. While they were thinking about how to deal with the situation, advertisers cut budgets. But at the end of the month, programmatic advertising costs began to level off again, peaking in June and July.

For example, the political publisher Salon reported that in June-July, the publication’s revenues from advertising programs grew by 25% compared to the same period last year. Despite the fact that in the second quarter for Salon still predict a downward trend, CRO company Justin Wall says that now has more optimism for the second half of 2020.

Omnicom Media Group reported that their program programming costs in the first two months of the summer were almost at the same level as before the pandemic. And Hybrid Theory programmer CEO Ray Jenkin says many of his clients have been investing more in advertising programmers over the past few weeks. However, despite the temporary surge, this trend will not last long, Jenkin said.

Publishers are worried that the US Congress will not have time to introduce a new package of economic aid instead of the one that ended this week. And this, in turn, will have a negative impact on the economy as a whole.

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