Social media users post 100 million videos every minute, willingly share brands with their audience, and buy products they see on TikTok
TikTok has presented a new presentation for advertisers who have subscribed to the social media business portal. The guideline contains interesting insights and tips for creating successful videos. He must convince entrepreneurs that TikTok’s 732 million audience is important to their business, reports Business Insider.
The presentation notes that 57% of the surveyed TikTok users have at least once bought a product that they saw on the social network. This allows TikTok to position itself as a commercially influential platform. Generation T, as the short video service calls its users, are small business friendly and are 15% more likely to buy independent brands than other social media users.
Generation T are digital creators of the TikTok platform, posting a total of 100 million videos per minute. They can be characterized as active, open-minded and inquisitive people.
4 out of 10 people come to TikTok to find something new. 56% of users who participated in the survey said the platform helped them make a purchase decision. 74% of users aged 18-24 bought something they saw on the platform, 72% of users aged 25-34 and 65% aged 35-44 did the same.
The Reach Guide contains 12 general, yet always relevant, brand-specific tips:
- Create the perfect profile.
- Engage your audience with engaging content.
- Post regularly.
- Train your storytelling skills.
- Be real.
- Track trends.
- Experiment with content.
- Human-first.
- Don’t try to cheat algorithms, create interesting content.
- Collaborate with other creators and brands.
- Explore platform tools.
- Use analytics.
TikTok also advises advertisers to combine organic reach and paid promotion.